This is a work in progress, it will change…
What day should we worship Adonai (God)/Yeshua (Jesus)? Every day.
What day are we commanded to rest on? The day of rest according to the bible is the 7th day or Saturday, also call Sabbath or in Hebrew, Shabbat/Shabbos. It is the 4th commandment and the only of the 10 commandments that starts with “Remember”. One has to wonder why.
When was the 1st Shabbat? On the 7th day God rested (cite).
The bible only names one of the days of the week, it names the 7th day Sabbath or Shabbat in Hebrew. All other days only have numbers, the 1st day the 5th day etc.
Isn’t the Sabbath, the day that the Jews worship/rest? Yes, actually all throughout the Old Testament of the Bible we see that the Shabbat was the day of rest.
How do we know that Saturday is the 7th day? One way is that in Spanish, the word for Saturday is Sabbado which came from the Latin word Sabbaton. The direct translation of Sabbado to English is Sabbath. Interestingly this occurred when the Spanish language was being created during the same time, Spain was becoming a Christian nation. (Verify).
How do we know that the current “Saturday” is the actual 7th day? While it is not that hard to count to 7, I suppose it is possible that somewhere in history someone forgot what day it was, and we have lost the original “7th” day. If that be the case, we might just look at our modern calendar and see what day is “considered” the 7th day. Sunday is considered the 1st day of the week and Saturday the 7th. Some will use this as an excuse to use Sunday as the “Sabbath” day, it is a weak case but not worth further discussion.
Did the disciples and early church, worship/rest on Saturday or Sunday? Saturday (Shabbat). It was customary for Yeshua and his disciples to gather together on the Shabbat to worship and rest.
Are we commanded to gather together? Yes, besides the 7th day, we are commanded to gather (keep holy and/or rest) on other days (see soon coming writeup on the festivals).
Who changed the day of rest and when? Emperor Constantine (of Rome) in his Edict of 321 (verify).
Why? To bring pagans and early Christians together, verify.
What does the Roman Catholic Church say about the Sabbath? They claim that everyone that keeps Sunday as a day of worship is following after them (verify).
Why do modern Christians (Protestants) worship on Sunday?
The Shabbat is a sign that they are my people, who said that 😉